Moku:Lab’s Frequency Response Analyzer

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Moku:Lab’s Frequency Response Analyzer enables you to measure the frequency response of a system in both magnitude and phase using a swept sine output from 10 mHz to 120 MHz. Select from between 32 and 512 points per sweep and configure settling and averaging times to balance total sweep duration and signal-to-noise ratio.


Frequency range
10 mHz to 120 MHz

Averaging time
1 µs to 10 s

Settling time
1 µs to 10 s


Sweep points
32, 64, 128, 256, 512

Source impedance
50 Ω

Output voltage range
50 Ω or 1 MΩ

Input voltage range
1 Vpp or 10 Vpp

• 10 mHz to 100 kHz: -100 dB
• 100 kHz to 1 MHz: -125 dB
• 1 MHz to 50 MHz: -130 dB
• 50 MHz to 120 MHz: -120 dB

*500 mVpp amplitude

Harmonic detection
Up to 15th

Key features

Stimulate the device under test
Linear or logarithmic swept sine output

Configurable math channel
Add, subtract, multiply, or divide response functions as they are acquired

Rapid phase, amplitude vs. frequency measurements
Use cursors and markers to measure exact values on the plots

Wide range of settling and averaging times
Measurement averaging and settling times are highly configurable

Rapid data sharing
Easily save data and upload to the cloud or Dropbox in common formats

2 outputs and 2 inputs are independently configurable
Probe two systems simultaneously, or one system at two points

Live Bode plot updates, or pause for analysis
Monitor the magnitude and phase on the interactive Bode plot

One touch calibration
Save a calibration trace to compare systems or remove spurious cable shifts


Impedance measurement

Capacitance/inductance measurement

Stability analysis

Power supply analysis

EMI filter characterization

Electrochemical impedance analysis

Biochemical impedance analysis

Software & Integrations

Wirelessly configure and monitor the magnitude and phase of your system’s transfer function, all from intuitive Moku software for iPad or Windows, or with integrations for Python, MATLAB, and LabVEIW

Freedom in the lab when you need it

Monitor the interactive Bode plot for live updates from anywhere in the lab. With Moku software for iPad, there is no need to be tethered to your bench.

Try it in demo mode


Isolate the magnitude and phase response of the system under test by calibrating out intrinsic delays and magnitude errors introduced by cables and Moku:Lab itself.

Two-port impedance response

Precise two-port system responses, math channel enables easy graphing of a system’s output – over – input.

Available on Moku:Lab hardware

The digital signal processing power of an FPGA coupled with the high-quality analog front-end ensures that with Moku:Lab you never have to sacrifice performance for flexibility.

Moku:Lab features a suite of twelve different instruments

Replace multiple pieces of equipment with a single device at a fraction of the cost.